CitraZov Powder is a super‐strength high pH powder pre‐spray that dissolves quickly and completely and will melt away the toughest carpet soils while imparting a nice citrus scent behind. At 2oz per gallon you cannot beat the value and with premium ingredients like Percarbonate (Oxygen), Enzyme, D‐limonene, boosted alkalinity (pH 12), and boosted Citrus fragrance it will perform at the highest level .This high alkaline formula will blast off grease and grime without extended dwell time. This will be your go to product for filthy restaurants, apartments, commercial and industrial properties. Also works great on olefin carpets as well as nylon.
Best results are obtained when mixed with hot water. Mix or shake until powder is fully dissolved. Spray on soiled carpet until evenly damp. Allow to dwell 10‐15 minutes. Do not allow carpet to completely dry before extraction. Extract from carpet using Free Rinse Pro in rinse water, a light acidic rinse agent to neutralize any alkaline residues. Dilution at 2oz per gallon:
Pump or Electric Sprayers ‐ 1 scoop (2 ounces) of CitraZov Powder W/De‐Zov‐All per gallon of hot water for most jobs (medium soil). Dilute 2 scoop (4 ounces) of CitraZov Powder W/De‐Zov‐All per gallon of hot water for severe jobs (heavy soil). Hydro‐Force Injection Sprayer ‐ Dilute 8 scoops (16 ounces) of CitraZov POWDER W/ De‐Zov‐All per Hydro‐Force container of warm water. Dilute at 1 to 8 setting.
Tile and Grout: 1 scoop (2 ounces) of CitraZov Powder W/De‐Zov‐All per gallon of hot water for light to medium soil. Dilute 2 scoop (4 ounces) of CitraZov Powder W/De‐Zov‐All per gallon of hot water for heavy soil.